The Treaties, Lands & Environment Department works hard to gain a better understanding of the health of our reserve land, the animals and the Thames River. Each year, the department conducts annual studies like Water Sampling, Benthic Testing and Fish Sampling. In addition and subject to funding, we have carried out studies for Species at Risk, Electrofishing, Fish Sampling and Phosphorus Reduction.
Many of these studies are successful through on going partnership with organizations like Carolinian Canada, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, Anishinabek Ontario Fisheries Resource Centre, Antler River Research, etc.
Electrofishing is a method used to sample fish
populations to determine quantity and species type.
An electrical current stuns the fish causing them to
float to the top. There is no permanent harm to the
fish as they return to their natural state shortly after.
Note: not all of the same locations were assessed
in 2019 due to accessibility issues at Dawson and
Hogg creek on Jubilee and two spots on the Thames
River (Western Property and near Flats).